Incoming Exchange Students

The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) offers degree programmes taught in English, participates in international exchange programmes, and welcomes students from institutions with whom we have bilateral agreements.
On this page, prospective international students may find useful information about lectures in English that are offered within the Department for Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering (EEI).
Why FAU?

The Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) is one of the largest universities in Germany. With its five faculties, FAU offers an almost unique scope of subjects ranging from the Humanities to Law and Economics as well as Sciences, Medicine and Engineering. Over the last decades, the University has established its reputation as a top-ranking institution in cutting-edge research. It is firmly anchored in a close network of interdisciplinary co-operations. These include partners from industry or specialized non-university research centres. Within the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg, FAU likewise plays an important role as employer, generator of innovations, and centre for education. Due to the close connections between research and teaching, students at FAU receive a well-founded academic training in an inspiring environment. International students are supported by multiple service centres providing extensive advice.
The Faculty of Engineering (Technische Fakultät) is located in Erlangen, a city with a historic baroque centre which is located amidst splendid landscape close to the rocky hills and lovely forests of the Fränkische Schweiz. The cities of Nuremberg (a traditional centre of arts and commerce since medieval times) and Bamberg (a UNESCO world heritage town) lie about 20 km to the south and 40 km to the north, respectively. One of Erlangen’s best known and most loved attractions is the „Bergkirchweih“, a beer festival in spring, which attracts around 1 million visitors from near and far.
In the wider world, Erlangen is also renowned both as home to the second largest university in Bavaria and as one of the three headquarters of Siemens AG which both contribute substantially to the high living standard in and around the city. With their broad range of additional privately and publicly funded research facilities and many start-up high-tech companies, Erlangen and its surroundings have developed into an important European R&D centre in several future-oriented areas of engineering, including medical systems, microelectronics, audio, multimedia and communications.
General information
All necessary information on how to plan your stay at FAU (be it for one or two semester or a whole study program) can be found on the following homepage: We highly recommend visiting it!
If you plan to complete your entire degree at FAU, you might need a German language certificate (please refer to this page:
For those who already have decided that they’d like to stay for one or two semester, please visit this page:
The wondrous ways of German student life
Studying at FAU also means getting to know everyday life in Germany as well as German and Franconian culture. Which questions will I be expected to answer in which government office? What’s the best way to get from the lecture hall to my sports class? And in which café am I most likely to find fellow students?
All these questions are easier to answer if you have experienced students on hand who can offer you advice and share their knowledge of the area. The Central Office for International Affairs (RIA) offers a wide range of support for international students.
We highly recommend visiting the following pages:
Department of Electrical Engineering
Our study programmes like “Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering” or “Information and Communication Technology” offer various engineering lectures delivered in English which are especially suitable for exchange students and could be accompanied by intensive German language courses. However, please note that various lectures will be only held in German, wherefore we recommend having knowledge of German language before visiting FAU!
The following courses are held in English. Detailed information may be found in the module catalogue. Some courses can be taken by both Bachelor and Master students, which are marked with „B+M“ in the right column, courses solely for Bachelor are marked with „B“. Those solely for Master are marked with „M“.
Course | Semester | ECTS | Bachelor (B)/ Master(M) |
Electrical Engineering I |
WS | 7,5 | B |
Electrical Engineering II |
SS | 7,5 | B |
Introduction to Matlab |
WS | 2,5 | B |
Electrical Engineering Laboratory |
SS | 2,5 | B |
Introduction to Microwave Engineering |
WS | 5 | B |
Mechatronic Components and Systems |
SS | 5 | B |
Electric Drives |
WS | 5 | B |
Signal Theory |
WS | 5 | B |
Stochastic Processes |
SS | 5 | B |
Communication Systems |
SS | 5 | B |
Dynamical Systems and Control |
SS | 5 | B |
Information Theory and Coding | WS | 5 | B/M |
MIMO Communication Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Speech and Audio Signal Processing | SS | 5 | B/M |
Image and Video Compression | SS | 5 | B/M |
Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Fundamentals of Mobile Communications | SS | 5 | B/M |
Medical Electronics | SS | 5 | B/M |
Digital Communications | WS | 5 | B/M |
Digital Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Statistical Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Machine Learning in Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Radar, RFID and Wireless Sensor Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Power Electronics in Three-Phase AC Networks | WS | 5 | B/M |
Transmission System Operations and Control (TSOC) | SS | 5 | B/M |
Mechatronic Components and Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Robot mechanisms and user interfaces |
WS | 5 | B/M |
Human-centered mechatronics and robotics |
SS | 5 | B/M |
Virtual Vision | WS | 5 | B/M |
Course | Semester | ECTS | Bachelor (B)/ Master(M) |
Information Theory and Coding | WS | 5 | B/M |
MIMO Communication Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Speech and Audio Signal Processing | SS | 5 | B/M |
Image and Video Compression | SS | 5 | B/M |
Image, Video, and Multidimensional Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Fundamentals of Mobile Communications | SS | 5 | B/M |
Medical Electronics | SS | 5 | B/M |
Digital Communications | WS | 5 | B/M |
Digital Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Statistical Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Machine Learning in Signal Processing | WS | 5 | B/M |
Systems and Circuits for Transmission Technologies | SS | 5 | B/M |
Radar, RFID and Wireless Sensor Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Power Electronics in Three-Phase AC Networks | WS | 5 | B/M |
Transmission System Operations and Control (TSOC) | SS | 5 | B/M |
Mechatronic Components and Systems | SS | 5 | B/M |
Robot mechanisms and user interfaces |
WS | 5 | B/M |
Human-centered mechatronics and robotics |
SS | 5 | B/M |
Virtual Vision | WS | 5 | B/M |
Transmission and Detection for Advanced Mobile Communications | SS | 2,5 | M |
Optical Lithography: Technology, Physical Effects and Modelling | WS | 2,5 | M |
Convex Optimization in Communciations and Signal Processing | WS | 5 | M |
Multidimensional Signals and Systems | WS | 5 | M |
Speech Enhancement | WS | 2,5 | M |
Music Processing – Synthesis | WS | 2,5 | M |
Music Processing – Analysis | WS | 2,5 | M |
Audio Processing Seminar | WS/SS | 2,5 | M |
Audio Processing Laboratory | WS/SS | 2,5 | M |
Autonomous Systems: From Research to Products |
WS | 2.5 | M |
Linear and Non-linear Fiber Optics | SS | 5 | M |
RF and Digital Architecture of Radio Systems | SS | 2,5 | M |
Equalization and Adaptive Systems for Digital Communications | WS | 2,5 | M |
Advanced Topics in Perceptual Audio Coding | WS | 2,5 | M |
Architectures of Digital Signal Processing | WS | 5 | M |
Signal Analysis | SS | 2,5 | M |
Advanced Optical Communication Systems | WS | 5 | M |
Auditory Models | SS | 2,5 | M |
Speech Coding | SS | 2,5 | M |
Selected Topics in Perceptual Audio Coding | SS | 2,5 | M |
The Erasmus-coordinator of our Department of Electrical Engineering:
Dr.-Ing. Christian Carlowitz
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik
Cauerstraße 9, Raum 05.235
91058 Erlangen
Tel.: 09131 / 8520772
Our study service center:
Study service center EEI
Cauerstr.7, Raum 01.035
91058 Erlangen
Tel.: 09131/8527165
Here, we can help you with finding suitable courses for your studies at FAU.