Please note the 3G rule:

Dear students, (lecturers only for knowledge)

It is only a few more days before the lecture period for winter semester 2021/22 starts. FAU is returning to face-to-face teaching wherever appropriate and possible. Additional educational content will still be available online to encourage independent and flexible learning. Please note that our teaching staff are not obliged to offer digital teaching as an alternative to face-to-face classes. Please check UnivIS shortly before lectures start to see what format your class will take (in-person, hybrid or online). That said, we will ensure that our international students who cannot travel because of the pandemic can still participate in their degree programmes. More information is available here.

The following framework applies to teaching and can be found on the Corona website:

We are required to check whether students are vaccinated, recovered or have been tested (3G rule).

The 3G rule explicitly does not apply to examinations in winter semester 2021/22.

In rooms with a capacity of over 50 people, checks for compliance with the 3G rule will be conducted by external personnel from a security company, in rooms with a capacity of up to 50 people, lecturers themselves will check compliance with the 3G rule.

Please be sure to carry proof of your 3G status and photo ID with you at all times. Ideally carry a digital proof of your 3G status, for example by uploading your vaccination certificate to the Corona-Warn app or CovPass app. If that is not possible, please be sure to have the required paper documents with you at all times.

All teaching staff and external security personnel are authorised to ask for proof at any time.

Being caught without proof is a regulatory offence. You will be excluded from the class and must leave the building immediately. If you cannot provide proof on three occasions, you will be issued with a limited ban on entering University premises.

The following regulation applies to the offer of free rapid antigen tests:

  • Until 30 November 2021, students have the opportunity to receive free rapid antigen testing. Information on testing options can be found here.
  • After 30 November 2021, tests will only be available free of charge for students who qualify for free tests for reasons not connected to their status as a student, for example if there are medical contraindications which mean that they cannot be vaccinated for health reasons.
  • Foreign students vaccinated with a vaccine not approved by the European Medicines Agency who do not count as vaccinated in the EU will continue to receive tests free of charge until 31 December 2021. However, they may choose to obtain an additional two vaccinations with an mRNA vaccine from the vaccination centre, after which they will be considered as fully vaccinated in Germany.


We would strongly recommend all students who are not yet vaccinated or recovered, to get a vaccination free of charge.

Pregnant students are allowed to enter FAU buildings and use services offered by the University provided. However, they are not allowed to attend classes at the current time. Further information is available at:

Pregnant students and anyone belonging to a high-risk group

I am glad that we will be returning to face-to-face teaching as far as we possibly can this semester. It is up to us all to work together and find the best possible way forward. I would like to thank you in advance for acting responsibly and keeping to the latest rules.

I would like to wish you all the best for a successful start to the semester at our FAU, and please look after yourselves, each other and stay safe.