Kategorien: CIP EN, CIP EN Conditions
How can I best book the room for my exercise and for a lecture?
Write an informal e-mail to our CIP Mailbox, which can be found by Contact.
You can also make a reservation yourself via https://campo.fau.de and we will approve it.
It is recommended to use this empty template:
Contact person:
Display in:
Short description:
URL for more information:
A sample template meant to be humorous
For a better understanding of the desired data:
Title: BOFH – Survive in the IT jungle
Type: „Exercise“
Organizer: Office of the Department EEI
Contact person: Andreas Rex
Display in: only in the room plan
Room(s): CIP Pool EEI (0.157-115) and CIP Pool WW (0.67-114)
Time(s): 10:15 – 11:45
Date(s): WS 22/23 every Wednesday, except on 16.11
Short description: Wikipedia abstract: „The Bastard Operator From Hell (BOFH) is a fictional rogue computer operator created by Simon Travaglia, who takes out his anger on users (who are „lusers“ to him) and others who pester him with their computer problems, uses his expertise against his enemies and manipulates his employer.“
URL for more information: Bastard Operator from Hell – Wikipedia