Software CIP-Pool EEI / WW
The software installation between the two CIP rooms is absolutely identical.
Ubuntu 24.04 LTS has:
- Abaqus/CAE 2021
- Anki
- Audacity
- Blender 4.0
- Comsol Multiphysics 6.1
- Csound
- diodon
- Eclipse IDE for Java Developers
- exiftool
- FAUbox
- FreeCAD
- gcc
- Gimp
- git
- GNU Octave
- Grace
- Gwyddion
- Inkscape
- IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
- krop
- LibreOffice
- Matlab Teaching R2024a (Alles inklusive Lizenz)
- meld
- OBS Studio
- Ovito
- pdfgrep
- pdfjam
- Perl v5
- pip
- Python 3
- Remmina Remote Desktop Client
- RStudio
- Scilab
- sox
- Spyder (Python 3.12)
- Texmaker
- TeXstudio
- tree
- Veusz
- VSCodium
- Wolfram Mathematica 12
- Xcos
- Zoom
- Windows 11 Enterprise
Windows 11 Enterprise (Virtual) has:
- 7-Zip
- Adobe Reader DC
- FEMM 4.2
- Firefox
- LTspice XVII
- Microsoft Office LTSC Professional Plus 2021 DE-EN
- Notepad++
- OptiSystem 21.1
- Origin 2023b
- PTC Mathcad Prime 9
- Putty
- Safe Exam Browser
- SciDAVis
- Videolan VLC Media Player